Minggu, 25 September 2016

How to prevent cyberbully in social media

How to prevent cyberbully?

- Supervise your children when using internet
- Block and leave the chat. So the suspect cannot disturb you anymore
- Don't respond the suspect. Victim respond is the thing that the suspect wait.
 in this way, you can prevent cyberbully in the social media.

Rabu, 21 September 2016

How to prevent cyberbully in the point of view environment

Cyberbully in environment point of view

The meaning is Cyberbully in environment is the Cyberbully in your everyday life or cyberbully in your environment.

 How to prevent cyberbully in environment

- Don't respond. Or the suspect will bully you again.

- Tell to your parents or someone that you trust.

- Block and leave. So the suspect cannot bully you or disturb you again.
- tell this tips to your friends, and family so they can prevent cyberbully.

Cyberbully In Hindu point of view

Cyberbully, is it crime?

Crime is bad. Crime is darkness. And when the suspect do crime, the effect is karma [ when someone do something, there will be the effect.] and rebirth in the next life to fix his crime.

How to overcome Cyberbully?

- The first one is read Weda. [ Hindu religious scripture ] so, the victim can learn how to controlled their emotion or how to overcome crime.
- Do yoga. So you can learn how to be pation.
- Say I don't like it.

Selasa, 20 September 2016

how to stop cyberbully in the point of view of Hindu religion

Evilness and Kindness in Hindu religion

Kindness is a light, and balance. Evilness is darkness, not balance, and crime. And cyberbully is include in Evilness. And cyberbully will give pain, send people to a dark place, and rebirth back to earth to fix his or her fault. 

How to stop Cyberbully in Hindi religion

- Read Weda. [ Hindu religious scripture]. so people know hot to act politely to stop the cyber bully
- Say I don't like it.
- Use the Internet or social media politely, so people will not bully you.

That's all I know about how to stop Cyberbully in Hindu .

ibu ani cyberbully misunderstanding case

Mother country all six , Mrs. Ani Yudhoyono get bully at his private instagram . Netizen give comment , but Ibu Ani rebuked the netizen . " These photos anytime , really I kinda forgot .... This clear me and SBY . "  that is posted on instagram Ibu Ani . Netizens are commenting reprimanded Mrs. Ani . However , once described by the netizens , Ibu Ani not be misunderstood again .

kasus cyber bully

Ibu negara ke-enam, Ibu Ani Yudhoyono di bully di instagram pribadinya.

para netizen ada yang memberi komentar, namun Ibu Ani menegur netizen itu.

" ini foto kapan ya, kok saya agak lupa.... yang jelas ini saya dan pak SBY. "
 itulah yang dipost di instagram Ibu Ani. Netizen yang memberi komentar ditegur Ibu Ani. Namun, setelah di jelaskan oleh netizen itu, Ibu Ani tidak menjadi salah paham lagi.

the cyberbully case of Zazkia Gotik

Zazkia Gothic in cyberbully because she has defied the Pancasila in musical events . Many netizens were bullying her
on social media . Prohibition insult the state and the emblem provided for in article 24 of Law No. 24 of 2009 On Flag, Language and State Emblem and Anthem . In Article 57 a junto Article 68 reads , " every person shall be prohibited : ( a) strike , writing , drawing on , or made ​​faulty symbol of the country with the intention of tarnishing , insulting or degrading the honor of the state emblem shall be punished with imprisonment of five years or a fine of not more Rp 500 million .

kasus cyberbully zazkia gotik

Zazkia Gotik di cyberbully karena dia telah mengejek pancasila di acara musik. Banyak netizen yang membullynya di media sosial. Larangan penghinaan negara dan lambangnya telah diatur dalam pasal 24 UU Nomor 24 tahun 2009 Tentang Bendera, Bahasa dan Lambang Negara serta Lagu Kebangsaan. Dalam pasal 57 a junto pasal 68 berbunyi, "setiap orang dilarang: (a) mencoret, menulis, menggambari, atau membuat rusak lambang negara dengan maksud menodai, menghina atau merendahkan kehormatan lambang negara dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 5 tahun atau denda paling banyak Rp 500 juta.

cara menghindari cyberbully

cyber bullying adalah saat orang lain melakukan kejahatan melalui internet. inI terjadi saat orang menggunakan internet. orang yang menjadi korban mungkin akan membalas kejahatan itu. reaksi itulah yang ditunggu oleh si pelaku itu.

inilah cara menghindari cyber bullying:
1. jangan membalas atau merespon. reaksi korbanlah yang diyunggu pelaku.
2. adulah ke orang yang leih tua jika korbannya anak-anak. itu akan membuat pelaku berubah dan mungkin
tidak akan mengganggu
3. simpan bukti, untuk diberi tahu ke orang yang dapat dipercayai.
4. blok pelaku agar tidak diganggu lagi
5. gunakan internet dengan baik. berlakulah sopan dalam menggunakan internet terhadap orang lain.
setelah anda mengikuti saran ini, anda akan terhindar dari cyber bullying.

how to stop cyberbully

Cyber ​​bullying is when someone else committed the crime over the internet . This happens when people use the Internet . people who become victims of crime may be replying to it . That reaction is awaited by the offender . here's how to avoid cyber bullying : 1. Do not reply or respond . reaction perpetrators that the victims are awaited . 2. Inform to an older person if the victims were children . it will make the offender change and may will not disturb 3. save the evidence , to be notified to the person who can be trusted. 4. block offenders from being disturbed again 5. use the internet properly . be polite in using the Internet for others . after you follow these suggestions , you will be protected from cyber bullying

my way to stop cyberbullying

Everyone got their way to stop cyberbully. This is my way to stop cyber bullying:
- Block that person. So that people cannot disturb you anymore.
- Don't respond it. Because if you respond it, the suspect will keep bullying you.
- Tell it to the people that you trust.
- Screenshot or take a picture so you got evidence that you get cyberbullied.

Effect of cyberbully for the victim and suspect

Cyberbully happen to every people that use the social media. But not only victim that get the effect. the suspect also get the effect.
This is the effect to the victim:
- The victim will not be confidence
- the victim will feel alone and will stay in a room in a long time
- feel not interested in school
- feel sad all the time
- sick
- stress
- the victim will use drunks and alcohol
and other
This is the effect for the suspect:
- the suspect will do it again and again until the victims
- the cyberbully suspect will get captured if they bullied
the president
- he will not get friend
and others